Playfulness + Cha-Cha-Cha
“Children show me in their playful smiles the divine…” Michael Jackson
Taking time to acknowledge the gifts I receive from choices made or actions taken reinforces my perceived value and increases my sense of gratitude. Playing with children heightens my level of alert and reminds me not to take myself so seriously! To that reminder….I bow my head in thanksgiving.
Daily choice/action: Play with a child ~ Children are your greatest teachers.
Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Cards
Share: Today, I played __________(fill in the rest of the story).
Nia Move: Cha-Cha-Cha
Daily practice: Like a dance step, in place step right, left, right, then repeat left, right, left. Keep your feet close to the ground and use your hands and arms to express yourself in PLAYFUL ways. To help keep rhythm sound: one, two, three or cha-cha-cha. Cha-Cha-Cha is good coordination training and develops lower-body speed.
excerpted from: The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas & Carlos Aya-Rosas
Share: Friendly challenge …. cha-cha-cha somewhere unusual today – then share where!
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