Progress + Finger Extensions
“Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator. And change has its enemies.” Robert Kennedy
I’ve a wandering, wondering eye, so to speak, and it takes practice to keep my eye on the ball. Honing observation skills to notice what I’m extending my energy toward seems a useful progress determinant. And that stated, it’s my belief, progress can be made toward a goal even when steps don’t obviously indicate such. In regards, Julie
Daily choice/action: Charge forward ~ Be Willing to make mistakes.
Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Cards
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Nia Move: Finger Extentions
Daily practice: One at a time, point each finger. Each finger is associated with a different emotion and subtle energetic differences – sense for what feels different as you extend each finger. In Nia, your thumb is associated with with nurturing, your index finger with desire, your middle finger with power, your ring finger with commitment and your little finger with boundaries. Naming and sensing for each of these emotions will help connect your physical body with your emotional body and your spirit. Use both hands. The benefits of practicing finger extensions include strengthening your hands, promoting dexterity, and moving energy in and out of your upper body keeping your neck and shoulders unlocked. Practice finger extensions potentiating your ability for expressing yourself powerfully through body gesturing, from heart and soul.
excerpted from: The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas & Carlos Aya-Rosas
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