Truth + Heel Lead
Consider: 5 levels of Truth Telling Neale Donald Walsch
1.Tell the truth to yourself about yourself.
2. Tell the truth to yourself about another.
3. Tell the truth about yourself to another.
4. Tell your truth about another to that other.
5. Tell the truth to everyone about everything.
Self-Care: TRUTH
Daily choice/action: Tell the truth ~ Integrity is the key to living an authentic life.
Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Cards
Nia Move: Heel Lead
Daily practice: Step directly forward in a normal walking step. Lead with your heel, focusing on the sequence heel…ball…toes as you shift your body weight. Practice lifting your toes up to emphasize the heel leading toward the ground. Allow your hands and arms to move naturally and wag your tail to integrate your spine with each step forward. Use the heel lead as you walking freely and expressively, calmly vocalizing the word relax. Focusing on Heel Lead will improve the way you walk, and nurture your base with EVERY step you take.
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