Self-Respect + Rock Around The Clock
“Self-respect knows no considerations.” Mahatma Gandhi
I initially moved past this Mahatma Gandhi quote with the fleeting thought “What does that mean?!?” I was drawn back to it again and again this morning. As a bit of light begins to dawn on the thought that self-respect knows no considerations, I want to spend time today allowing this message to percolate for me. To Your Health, Julie
Daily choice/action: Respect yourself ~ You’re the best judge of what’s right.
Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Cards
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Nia Move: Rock Around The Clock
Daily practice: Standing with your feet slightly apart roll around the outside edges of your feet sensing the edges of the back, right, front and left sides. Say the word wow to heighten the sense of playfulness and imagine balancing and rolling on the top of a ball while using a hula-hoop motion. Relax your knees and loosen your arms. Reverse the direction. The benefits of practicing Rock Around The Clock include improved agility in feet and ankles regardless of the speed of your locomotion.
excerpted from: The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas & Carlos Aya-Rosas
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