Independence + Hip Bump
Daily choice/action: Decide for yourself ~ Exercise your right to choose.
Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Cards
My Share: IndepenDANCE showed up stepping into a Nia Technique class today. Our focus and intent was to exercise our CHOICE to use the pelvis independent of the ribs and the head independent of the core. It takes very little effort to reorganize my spine these days to affect a change. What I mean by that is, lifting my ribs up or twisting slightly can result in a shift in my vertebrae that affects right alignment. Same can happen with a minor pelvic or skull shift. As the saying goes, or at least my version of it: “When my back in happy I am happy.” To your health, Julie
Nia Move: Hip Bumps
Daily practice: Bump your hips in varying directions, front, back, side to side lifting the upper edge of the pelvic bowl up closer to the rib cage. Focus on rhythmic precision, and stop the bump before it tugs uncomfortable. BENEFITS: Practicing Hip Bumps keeps your upper body agile and connected to your lower body. This move will tome your Core, define your waist, and increase mobility along your spine.
excerpted from: The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas & Carlos Aya-Rosas
My Share: See above AND more to come this week as we practice self-care using independence and hip bumps.
Focusing on Choices featuring Hip Bumps has put a swagger in the steps of those attending class this week … including me. Come get you some!