Intent + Finger Flicks
Daily choice/action: Focus your energy ~ There is AMAZING POWER in a strong intention.
Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Cards
My Share: On the Autumnal Equinox & the International Day of PEACE I got to meet Sister Gita and share a Nia Technique experience with her. We, the Sunday morning Nia commUNITY, gathered at The Center Spot each for our own reasons. Having found health and healing moving in a safe and comfortable way on a landscape of eclectic world music (today a compilation of STING’s artistry) we stepped into class to learn more about the Body’s Demand for Balance. Following class Sister Gita was moved to share a bit of her personal story with the commUNITY and invited us to take a 60 second OM Challenge with the intent to DONATE PEACE. Here’s mine: #omchallenge and YES I actually posted video of me someplace public – like YouTube! I believe it was Eleanor Roosevelt that suggested: “Do one thing every day that scares you.” To you & your health, Julie
Nia Move: Finger Flicks
Daily practice: Place your thumb over your four finger nails holding your fingers back with your thumb to create positive tension. Once the tension can no longer be held back allow your fingers to flick out as though flicking water off of them. Sense the build up of positive tension, the explosion and the release. Use this Nia 52 Moves to rid your hands of tension that may build up through the day. Finger Flicks conditions your forearm muscles and hands, plus keeping energy flowing into and out of the hands reduces tension in your neck and shoulders.
excerpted from: The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas & Carlos Aya-Rosas
My Share: I’ll always remember the day I was practicing GLOBAL UNITY when Wayne Wylie walked in the room and I showered him with sparks that flew from my Finger Flicks. He remembers the day well as my playful intent splashing his body and soul. It still makes us smile to recall the sparks…
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