52 Days of Self-Care using 52 Nia Moves
“usually does not consist of a single, dramatic act, but instead is generally composed of a long series of small acts of self-kindness, guided by pleasure.”
The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas & Carlos Aya-Rosas
Fresh off a weekend of sharpening my teaching skills with Helen Terry at Soma Ranch I’m inspired to participate in the 52 Days 52 NiaMoves to Feast Challenge initiated by Angela Mestre, owner of NiaMoves in Houston. Using a beautifully illustrated deck of 52 Self-Care Cards, by Cheryl Richardson, October 1st, 2016 marks the stepping in point for 52 days of self-care practiced ‘on the mat’ using Nia’s 52 Moves featuring one a day.
Join me along this journey and use the power of small changes to make a big difference in your life.
-Find the daily Self-Care Invitation on Facebook, MeetUp, Twitter
-Contribute by sharing your experience, inspiration, stories, discoveries, etc.
-Do something physical everyday. Participate in 52 Days of Self-Care by taking Nia classes (here’s a schedule) or dancing through life in your own, perfect & creative way.
Included in each daily BLOG you’ll find a featured Nia 52 Move. I’m setting an intention to experience Self-Care daily through these moves.
Let’s step in …
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