Nature + Head & Eye Movement
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein
For YEARS, in the shorter days of the winter months, I went to work before the Sun rose in the East and emerged from the windowless environment after the Sun set in the West. That’s just how it was. What phase of the Moon’s cycle we’re in was never a consideration that crossed my mind. I had my head down, my nose to the grind stone, so to speak. I yearned for singular days off, time in the yard, time on the road, time out in nature AND YET often spent those precious days off house cleaning or organizing or recovering. Looking up at the Sun, the Moon or the Stars never crossed my mind … save a treasured camping excursion here or there. Even those were more often, quite simply, opportunities to look forward and out at friends and family. By adding ‘conscious movement‘ to my life, not just daily BUT all day long, I find myself naturally attracted to look up and down, in and out, even around. I focus on distant attractions and narrow my focus to gather more finite details. Crystals hanging in the windows of my home announce the change of seasons in a way that’s different that the Sycamore tree in my front yard does and for that matter, different than the way my body does. Like this majestic cathedral, made of glass and rising up from the forest floor, choosing to use Nia Technique as my method for getting to know the potential of my body, has been invaluable to me. It’s like this sacred vessel, I call My Body, is fueled with the juice of my practices. My daily moving exploration of life acts like window cleaner. Whether gazing at the Sun or the Moon or the Stars, I can sense, feel, think and see clearer now ….
Self-Care: NATURE
Daily choice/action: Take a walk ~ Let the beauty of nature feed your soul.
Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Cards
Share: How were you touched by nature today?
Nia Move: Head & Eye Movements
Daily practice: Look in any direction with your eyes, as if you were watching a butterfly. Then follow that direction by moving your head. In other words, use your eyes to seduce” your head to move. Continue looking and moving in all directions. Try following a body part, such as your hand, with your eyes as you move. To enhance relaxation, keep your lower jaw slightly open and let the tip of your tongue press lightly into the roof of your mouth. Nod, shake and roll your head.
Practicing Head & Eye Movements teaches you to use small movement to enhance your Nia practice. They also help you consciously change directions.
excerpted from: The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas & Carlos Aya-Rosas
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