About: Julie Wylie
Experiential. Educational. Inspiring.Last May’s well attended workshop has lead to a repeat offering of this information and experience filled event. Save the date: December 6, 2014 1:30 – 3:30 pm Casa de Luz Austin, TX Sign up for this event today: Eventbrite Explore Pelvic Floor Suspension: Your Foundation to a Strong Core A healthy pelvic floor is […]
Continue Reading...52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty. “I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you can see all the kinds of things you can’t see from the center.” Kurt Vonnegut […]
Continue Reading...52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty. Afro Celt Sound System feat. Sinead O’Connor – Release (video) Self-Care: RELEASE Daily choice/action: Have a good cry ~ Grief is a doorway to your deepest self. Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Cards Share: Excerpted from Wikipedia, here is a […]
Continue Reading...52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty. “Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.” Edgar Cayce Though the vision didn’t include any details, like how or when, for as long as I can remember the words Dance Your Heart Out have healed, […]
Continue Reading...52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty. “Setting Goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” Tony Robbins I resonate with a philosophy I found years ago in The Nia Technique book under the self-healing section “…many […]
Continue Reading...52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty. “Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is the result of good work habits.” Twyla Tharp Self-Care: CREATIVITY Daily choice/action: Express your creativity ~ Delight in the mystery of your inner muse. Inspired by: Cheryl Richardson Self-Care […]
Continue Reading...52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty. Consider: 5 levels of Truth Telling Neale Donald Walsch 1.Tell the truth to yourself about yourself. 2. Tell the truth to yourself about another. 3. Tell the truth about yourself to another. 4. Tell your truth about another to that […]
Continue Reading...52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty. “Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator. And change has its enemies.” Robert Kennedy I’ve a wandering, wondering eye, so to speak, and it takes practice to keep my eye on the ball. Honing […]
Continue Reading...52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty. “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.” Martin Luther King Jr. I marvel at people that have friends they’ve known since childhood. It has been of the last twenty years […]
Continue Reading...52 days of Self-Care to improve the quality of your life + 52 Nia Moves for Health. Fitness. Power. Beauty. “Children show me in their playful smiles the divine…” Michael Jackson Taking time to acknowledge the gifts I receive from choices made or actions taken reinforces my perceived value and increases my sense of gratitude. […]
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